Reading the Bible to Share With Others


In 2019, Lutheran Braille Workers reached out to a narrator, Mr. Jonathan Howard, who works at Concordia University Irvine (CUI), asking if he knew of other people who would be interested in narrating the Bible for distribution on the Digital Talking Book cartridges. Almost immediately there was interest from other teachers, students, and staff on campus, and a team of narrators was assembled for the New Testament reading.

After completing the narration of the New Testament in Fall 2019, Mr. Howard had to build a whole new team to move on to the narration of the Old Testament which started in 2020. Approximately 20 people from CUI have been involved in this incredible project which is important for the growth of LBW’s Audio-Digital ministry and efforts to reach new audiences.

LBW is grateful for the opportunity to partner with another Lutheran ministry in Southern California in the ultimate goal of sharing the Gospel worldwide! We hope to have the Audio Bible available for distribution by the end of year 2020.

What is a Digital talking Book?

The Digital Talking Book is a cartridge that can be used for playing magazines, books and other files on an NLS Digital Talking Book Player.

How do I obtain a NLS Digital Talking Book Player?

Please visit the National Library Service website to see if you are eligible to receive one free of charge at or contact them by phone at 888-657-7323

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