Bringing Ministries Together



Recently, Lutheran Braille Workers participated in the LLL/LHM Grand Canyon District rally in Phoenix, Arizona. LBW’s representative presented the ministry to almost 100 attendees, created connections and relationships with other organizations serving those in need, and gained critical interest and support.

In addition, a one hour servant event was established in which a number of wonderful volunteers assisted in assembling over 1400 copies of The Lutheran Hour sermons in Large Print for distribution to individuals in the United States and around the globe.

One amazing fact which came out of the conference:

There are approximately 70 million people who are deaf in the world, almost all of whom are unchurched. There are four LCMS Recognized Service Organizations (RSO) serving this population.

There are approximately 241 million individuals who are legally or fully Blind in the world and unchurched. Lutheran Braille Workers is the only Lutheran organization serving this population. This is why your support is so critical to sharing the Gospel with people who are Visually Impaired.




Volumes of Braille Bibles Produced


Braille Volumes Shipped Abroad


Periodicals Produced

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